Fluson 50ml (Fluson) Flumetazone injection (50 ml) Woogene
Fluson 50ml Flumetazone is a synthetic steroid hormone and is a derivative of prednisolone (6 a, 9 a difluoro-16 a methylprednisolone), which has a stronger anti-inflammatory and gluconeogenic effect. Flumetazone is notable for its effectiveness at low doses and a very small number of mineralocorticoid adverse reactions. Its action is gluconeogenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, antiproliferative, antitoxic and antiexudative.
Waiting period :
Slaughter of animals for meat is allowed no earlier than:
Cattle – after 5 days,
pigs, horses – 4 days,
milk can be used after 24 hours.
Meat of animals forcibly killed before the expiration of the specified period can be used as feed for fur animals.
Composition for Fluson 50ml
Flumetazone 0.25 mg, excipients up to 1 ml
Indications for use.
Recommended for all types of animals in the treatment of rheumatic, allergic and dermatological diseases, as well as anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic agents. As a concomitant therapy, this drug is recommended to improve the general tolerance of toxins in the presence of various infections, such as mastitis retention secundinarium, infections in young animals, birth sepsis, peritonitis and viral infections. Other indications include the prevention of surgical stress (before and after surgery), the recovery period, traumatic shock, weakness and exhaustion, heat stroke, and also in geriatrics.
Dosing and AdministrationÂ
Horses 250 – 500 kg: 5 – 10 ml, iv, oil
over 500 kg up to 10 ml iv, i / m
3 – 10 ml intraarticular
cattle 250 – 500 kg: 5 – 10 ml, iv, iv, s / c
over 500 kg: up to 10 ml iv , v / m, s / c
Pigs up to 10 kg: 1 ml s / c
10 – 28 kg: 1 – 2 ml v / m, s / c
20 – 100 kg: 2 – 4 ml v / m, s / c
150 – 200 kg: 6 – 8 ml i / m, s / c
Dogs 5 kg: 0.5 – 1 ml i / o, i / m, pc
5 – 50 kg: up to 1 ml i / o, i / m , pc
0.5 – 2 ml intraarticularly
Cats: up to 0.5 ml iv , i / m, s / c
Note: with subcutaneous administration of Fluxon (up to 10 ml) it is recommended to make injections in different places. Fluson 50ml
Fluzon is forbidden to use in case of osteoporosis, injections into the inflamed tissue, with bacterial eye infections, epithelial defects of the cornea and pregnancy (with the exception of the caused birth in ruminants).
With caution (with constant clinical monitoring): for diabetes, heart failure, phlebothrombosis and viral infections.
Storage of Fluson 50ml
conditions Store in the manufacturer’s closed packaging separately from food and feed, in a dry, dark place, at a temperature of 1 ° C to 30 ° C.
Shelf life
24 months from the date of manufacture. The drug must not be used after the expiration date.
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