

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $40.00.

FALCON – 10ML is a powerful stimulant for (falcon, camel and horse) race animals that is not detected because it´s not positive doping.
It doesn´t contain dangerous or prohibited drugs in competitions and its main character is multivitamin & hormonal not penalized in official races.
It was specially formulated for compatibility in Birds of prey (eagles and falcons) , to give resistance and speed on short and long flights.
These characteristics made the Falcon become known in highly competitive race environments, it´s not detected and it has been enshrined as a high performance product in camel and horse racing too for this feature, with very good results.
The power gain with its continuous use is noticeable and has given it its reputation as a high performance racing product.

FALCON – 10ML Formula:

(Registered Formula)
Multivitamins, hormonal agents.
its components are not penalized in official races
Formulation Agents e.q.

 Administration and Dosages:

Intramuscular or intravenous slow injection in Large animals
Intramuscular application in Falcons is recommended


  • Falcons: for 1 week, a daily dose ( 0.1 ml to 0.3 ml), the last day of the competition, the last dose 4 hours before the event. IM only
  • Camels and Horses: It ´s recommended at least 2 doses between 3 and 5 ml:
    (Ideally, 3 doses are recommended in the 2 days before the race and one last dose on the day of the race: 3 total doses)
    1st dose, the day before the event. IM or IV
    2nd the last dose before the race:
    – if IV (slow) is applied, 2 hours before IV,
    – in case of being IM, 4 hours before the raceMinimum dose 1 ml.
    Maximum dose in camels 7 ml
    Maximum dose in horses 10 ml
    If maximum dose is used, only one dose is recommended on Race day, IM, 4hs before the race.
  • Small animals: 0.25-0.5 ml every 5 k.l.w. per day, according to professional criteria.


10 ml bottle


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